Sustainable Palm Oil Sourcing Policy
Our approach to sustainable palm oil
We source only from Palm Oil Mills in Penisula Malaysia that follow stringent Good Agricultural Practices (GAP), Good Management Practices (GMP) and the Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) scheme.
These practices ensure the efficient use of natural resources hence safeguard the long-term productivity of the land that is cultivated.
The 4 pillars of our Sustainable Palm Oil Sourcing Policy are:
1. Zero Deforestation, Zero Burning
We are strict advocates of zero-burning, implementing Leguminous Cover Crop (LCC) and Integrated Pest Management (IPM). Oil palm cultivation can be managed such that it preserves a significant level of biodiversity, especially with proper management of riparian reserves, peat land, satellite-aided spatial planning and Malaysia's commitment to zero-burning and zero-deforestation of virgin forest.
2. Zero Human-rights Exploitation
No child or underpaid workers, application of the principles of Free, Prior and Informed Consent (FPIC) to ensure protection and promotion of the rights of indigenous peoples and vulnerable communities.
3. Positive Social and Economic Impact
To date, close to 20 million tonnes of palm oil are being produced in Malaysia each year and provides jobs and livelihood to more than half a million people in the country. More than 40 per cent of oil palm cultivation in Malaysia is owned by nearly 640,000 small land holders, and the industry has contributed to one of the largest poverty alleviation projects in the
4. Commitment to 100% Certified Sustainable Palm Oil (CSPO)
In accordance with certification standards and calls for the trade in certified sustainable palm oil (CSPO), Malaysian Sustainable Palm Oil (MSPO) scheme is now mandatory.
The MSPO Certification Scheme is the national scheme in Malaysia for oil palm plantations, independent and organised smallholdings, and palm oil processing facilities to be certified against the requirements of the MSPO Standards.
By the end of 2019, Malaysia will meet demands such as the Amsterdam Declaration for CSPO through the mandatory MSPO certification.
This MSPO scheme is compulsory and will help small holder to follow a standard which is complementary
View: https://www.mpocc.org.my/mspo-mandatory-timeline